Maps has been around for nearly 90 years—and we’ve changed a lot along the way. Lately, we’ve been seeing some familiar questions pop up in our surveys and on social media; so we thought we’d take a minute to answer a few of the most popular inquiries. Here’s a quick rundown of some little-known Maps facts you may have missed.
Fact #1. We aren’t just for teachers and school employees.
Like many of us, Maps Credit Union has teachers to thank for its success. After all, we were founded by a group of educators and school employees who wanted a safe place to house their money and get low-cost loans. But we’ve grown a lot since then. In fact, our field of membership is now open to anyone in the Willamette Valley basin (which includes Linn, Benton, Polk, Marion, Yamhill, Clackamas, Washington, and Multnomah Counties), and we have expanded our products and services to reflect the needs of the whole community. (Of course, we still have a few goodies designed just for school employees (like our Summer Savers account and teacher grants.)
Fact #2. Your surveys and comments matter!
Yes, we send a lot of surveys—and yes, real humans read those surveys. We thrive on feedback, both positive and negative. So, if you have ever filled out a survey and wondered, “Is anyone even reading this?” the answer is yes. Your surveys (and social media comments) are read by actual humans, typically in the marketing department, contact center, or member experience department.
Fact #3. Co-op ATMs are now free to all members.
One Maps member commented on Facebook that Maps members should be able to access their money in more places without paying surcharges. We agree! To address that concern, we recently joined a network of credit unions that share their ATMs. Maps members now have 30,000 locations nationwide where they can check their balances, withdraw cash, and transfer funds without additional fees. Some co-op ATMs will even allow you to make check or cash deposits.
Fact #4. We have tools to help you avoid overdraft fees.
Overdraft fees are charged when your account does not have enough money to cover a transaction when the charge is presented to us for authorization or payment. If we authorize the charge (instead of returning or rejecting it), you may incur an overdraft fee. The best way to avoid such fees is to monitor your accounts through online banking. In mobile banking, you can set up daily balance alerts to keep track of your checking and savings accounts. You can also set up low balance alerts to receive notifications whenever your available or actual balance falls below a certain number. You can also set up Overdraft Protection by linking another savings, checking, or line of credit account to your primary checking account to cover potential overdrafts.
Fact #5. There are ways to avoid long lines at your favorite branch.
One of the most common complaints we get is about wait times at the drive-up or teller windows—and we get it. Whether you are running errands in the morning, tackling tasks on your lunch break, or making a special trip on the weekend, it’s frustrating to have to wait. One easy way to skip a trip to the branch is to try mobile banking with our free app on your computer or mobile device. With mobile banking, you can log in anytime, anywhere to transfer funds, deposit checks, make payments, and get e-statements. Prefer to talk to someone? We are happy to assist you with many of your financial needs via text or phone at our Contact Center (503.588.0181). Still need to visit a branch? The best time of day to stop by our busiest branches (Chemeketa, Hines Street, and South Salem) is in the morning between 10:00 am and 11:00 am and in the afternoon between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm.
Fact #6. You can get paid early with direct deposit.
Want to get your paycheck sooner? Set up direct deposit into your Maps checking or savings account and you can get your money before your normal payday. If we receive your payment information from your employer or your government benefit payment prior to payday, we’ll make your money available to you right away—sometimes up to two days early! There’s no fee for this service and it’s quick to set up online, at any branch, or with your employer directly.
Fact #7. Using your Maps debit card helps support the community—and it doesn’t cost you anything.
Every time you swipe your Free Community Checking debit card, Maps donates a penny to community causes—at no cost to you. A penny may not seem like much, but it adds up to a lot. Last year, Maps Free Community Checking account holders raised more than $125,000 by simply buying groceries, paying for coffee, or picking up lunch.
Fact #8. We have an app designed to help you get a mortgage loan.
Earlier this year, we launched the Home Loan App by Maps CU. This app is designed to streamline the homebuying process by connecting our Maps Mortgage Team with borrowers, real estate agents, and settlement agents in a single location for easy communication throughout the entire loan cycle. In it, you can run loan scenarios; start and complete a mortgage loan application; scan and submit paperwork; track your loan progress, and chat directly with your loan officer.
Fact #9. We have a program designed to help you save a little bit every day.
Are you enrolled in our Round Up savings program? If you are, then you know how easy it is to turn pocket change into big savings! When you enroll in Round Up, your everyday debit card transactions are rounded-up to the next dollar amount and that difference is deposited into your Member Rewards account (our highest yield savings account). With average card debit card usage, Round Up members save about $300 per year. Not signed up? You can enroll in the app or online banking. You can also visit any branch or call for more details.
Fact #10. We contribute more than just our dollars to the community.
As a member-owned financial cooperative, Maps is deeply invested in the communities where we live and work. Our mission, Every Member Benefits, calls for us to serve our communities through charitable giving, education initiatives, sponsorships, and volunteerism. That’s why we offer our employees over 7,000 paid hours of volunteer time each year to use as they see fit in the communities we serve. We empower our employees to get involved because we know that they are the driving force behind our community connections.
Bonus Fact:Did you know we have our own in-house coffee shop? Our downtown Salem branch (465 Division St. NE) features a philanthropy-driven coffee shop, The Dot, where members of the community can gather for meaningful conversations, pastries, and hand-crafted beverages from Salem’s own Odolla Coffee Roasters. The Dot is open to the public and a portion of the proceeds go to the Maps Community Foundation. The Dot is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm